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兒童飲食健康關於兒童飲食健康,你還是隻知道“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”嗎?孩子飲食吃什麼、怎麼吃。讓我們與孩子一起 STAY HEALTHY!

許多家長都非常操心孩子的吃飯速度,不管是吃得太快還是吃得太慢,都會對孩子的身體健康與家庭環境造成一定的影響。爲什麼孩子會吃得太快太慢呢?爸爸媽媽們又應該怎麼解決呢?Many parents have voiced concerns about their kids eating too fast or slow, which can influence not only children’s health but also family’s environment. So, why do children have speed problems of eating? How can parents solve it?

典型問題:吃得太快容易導致孩子脹氣、消化不良,甚至還有可能噎着,導致危險。孩子們想一口吞下太多食物,或者是沒有把食物咀嚼成小塊就嚥下,都會讓孩子噎着。年齡稍大一些的孩子,可能會因爲吃的太快而感到噁心甚至嘔吐。其實,在正常情況下,人吃飯時飽腹的信號大約在15到20分鐘後才能傳遞到大腦。所以,如果進食速度過快,就可能在已經吃飽但仍有空腹感的情況下,繼續攝入食物。這樣一來,多餘的熱量就儲存爲脂肪,從而也就容易導致孩子變得肥胖。 Problem:Eating too fast creates gas, indigestion and has choking risks for kids who attempt to swallow too much in one bite. Kids also choke when they don’t chew food into small bits before swallowing. Older kids risk nausea and vomiting from eating too fast, according to the Permanente Medical Group. It takes approximately 20 minutes from the time you start eating for people’s brains to send out signals of fullness. If children eat too fast, they could continue to eat when they actually are full. Thus spare energies transform into fat, and children gain weight.
如何解決孩子吃飯速度不當的問題? 方法1:讓每一頓飯變得重要。最簡單的方法就是讓在家吃的每一頓飯都變得重要,而不只是一個短暫的休息時間。認真佈置一下餐桌,讓孩子放慢速度去享受食物。在吃飯時進行一些聊天,也是讓吃飯速度放慢的好方法。除此之外,還有利於家庭成員間和諧關係的維護哦。
Solution 1: Make every meal easiest way to slow dining is to make meals an important time in your home, rather than simply a quick stop. Arrange table carefully, and ask your child to slow down and enjoy the meal. Conversation during meal times is a good way to slow down eating time but also makes dinner special because it becomes bonding time for the entire family. 方法2:記錄每一餐,確保孩子真的飽了。阿拉斯加的家庭資源中心認爲,飢餓的孩子總是會飛快地吃完每一餐。因此,可以在兩頓飯之間給孩子吃一些健康的零食,這樣又能讓孩子不那麼飢餓,又不會干擾他們的食慾。國家食品服務管理機構建議,把吃零食與吃飯的時間間隔設爲兩小時較好。
Solution 2: Write a food diary to make sure you’re feeding your child enough at each ry kids frequently use a “vacuum” mentality to eat as fast as possible to get enough food at the meal, according to the Alaska Center for Resource Families. Small healthy snacks between meals during the day help dull the hunger urge but won’t spoil appetites for mealtime. The National Food Service Management Institute recommends allowing at least two hours between meals and snacks to build appetite but also stops hunger. 方法3:選擇一個舒服的椅子。一個不舒服的椅子會讓孩子加快吃飯的速度哦。看看你家的飯桌的椅子是不是舒服的,孩子長大了也得坐着舒服。另外,加坐墊可以讓椅子變的舒服,從而讓孩子更放鬆,也就放慢了孩子吃飯的速度。
Solution 3: Select a comfortable uncomfortable seat makes your child reach for food and encourages quick dining. Check the seating to make sure it continues to remain comfortable as your child grows. A booster seat may offer a more comfortable seat for relaxed dining and avoid quick meals.
孩子吃飯太快/太慢怎麼辦? 第2張

Solution 4: Create a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere during meals.A rushed environment that pushes children to finish meals encourages kids to eat too fast. Have your entire family sit and eat at one time so children don’t feel the need to rush to move onto activities happening in the house. Avoid mealtime interruptions, including making or taking phone calls or having the TV on. Frequent disruptions means kids are easily distracted and encourage kids to eat quickly 方法5:讓孩子專注於吃飯的過程。健康專家推薦孩子細緻地咀嚼食物,還可以讓孩子數自己嚼了幾口,這樣能更好地幫助消化。這種方式也能減慢吃飯的速度。
Solution 5: Slow kids down by focusing on the process of th professionals encourage chewing food well and counting the number of chews in each bite for kids with baby or adult teeth to help digestion. Thorough chewing and counting also slows dining. 方法6:把食物切成小塊。在做飯時,把不同食材或大小的食物都切成小塊,讓大一點的孩子自己把食物切成小塊並細嚼慢嚥。在吃飯中跟孩子一起討論食物,鼓勵他們享受食物的美味。
Solution 5:cut food into piecesPrepare the dinner plate to encourage slow dining by cutting food into pieces and selecting a number of foods with different textures and sizes. Ask older children to cut food to slow eating. Talk about the foods during the meal to motivate kids to take time to enjoy the flavors.
孩子吃飯太快/太慢怎麼辦? 第3張

專家說(Experts Quote)放慢速度吃飯,讓吃飯變成一種自由與享受,而不是強迫與必需。——Michael Pollan (作家、記者、新聞學教授)
To eat slowly, then, also means to eat deliberately, in the original sense of the word: 'from freedom' instead of compulsion. " — Michael Pollan (an American author, journalist, activist, and professor of journalism at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism)
